Are we there yet, Caskett?

I have been away long enough that I find it hard to recognise what is happening in the blogosphere  nowadays. But like all good things, I’m also back to writing.

So, while I was away trying to figure out what to do next and where I was heading to, I happen to chance upon a few selected TV series, such as Arrow, Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Lie To Me and Castle.

I just finished with the last episode of Season Five of Castle.

Castle Beckett Caskett

So here it goes…


Going through 24 episodes of this season, something was different about the series. Headlined as a “Crime Mystery Thriller”, the first four seasons covered Richard “Rick” Castle, the writer, played by none other than Nathan Fillion, trying to figure himself out and in the meantime learn more about NYPD Homicide Detective Catherine “Kate” Beckett, portrayed by none other than the gorgeous Stana Katic.

When everyone is busy analysing the relationship between the two, it became clear to me what the series was all about – Castle. If it was about Kate, they would have named it Beckett instead.

Come Season Five, and finally Kate is dating Rick. And like all loyal fans of the series, it was the relationship in focus. I did a bit of analysing the season episodes myself, and I found out one thing – it is not.

Kate is a strong woman with her baggage, her lawyer mother being gunned down in an alley under the orders of a senator. Kate makes her peace with the whole revenge thing by this season, even though that is what drove her to become a detective in the first place.

And there you see Kate, a career-driven woman who has her priorities right. Textbook troubled-child-turned-amazing-person.

But what about Rick?

Castle, being a best-selling author, has all the money in the world. He has a loving and “near-perfect” daughter Alexis, played by Molly Quinn. But to understand the core of the character, you must focus on the one person who made Castle happen – his mother, Martha Rodgers, played by the beautiful Susan Sullivan.

In the last episode of Season Five, Kate gets a nod from the FBI Director to come work for their “special task force” in D.C., and everyone seems to understand her sneaking out to attend the interview without telling Castle. One might say she did not want to hurt Castle. One might say she was looking out for herself. And Martha says that to Rick that Kate is justified because she cannot handle the wait, the way Rick does not let her know where the relationship is heading to. So she makes a call.

Kate’s father tells her, in the meantime, that Rick has to handle this on his own, and that his daughter cannot hold her life and stop herself for someone else. Now that, is a dad looking out for his daughter. Castle would have done the same if it was Alexis. That is a side of men that women, brought up by men, see and experience first-hand. And it is safe to say that it is one part of all men that women have figured out and are spot on.

And at the end of the episode, Rick is on his knees, proposing to Kate.

Now you would think that love made him do it. Is it, really?

His mother showed him the way. Rick is all grown up and his daughter is in the college, and Martha is still taking his son to school.

Beckett and Castle, or “Caskett”, worked for Kate all this while because Rick was her safe-place. And that’s how it worked. But for Castle it worked, because Kate was Kate. Rick’s safe place is, and will always be Martha.

Mom's the word.

Mom’s the word.

When Rick is in a fix, he doesn’t burden Kate with himself. Hell, Kate has no clue. But Martha does. His mother is always with him, but she is objective. That’s the thing about mothers of men. She is the one who will, and will always stand by him, giving him the strength, that extra push, when he has no clue what to do. And this time, Martha showed Rick the way – to let Kate know where they were heading.

And this orchestrated the final scene of Season Five. Rick proposes. And the episode is over. Poof.

Kate has her career, she will move to D.C., will she? That question is of no significance. But the answer to “Will you marry me?” will define who you are.

The exercise is simple. Put yourself in Kate Beckett’s shoes and try to think what she is going in her mind, in your mind. And ask yourself this question, “Will you marry him? Yes or No.”


Oh well, Here we are. Updates.


Back into the wild, are we?

So, after a long dark year, getting into all sorts of fucked up shit, I’m back and sane enough to think again, forget writing. Smoking up green, travelling strange cities, chugging a lot, a hell lot of beer on the way, yes, my youth is complete.

But as of now, we are back on the bandwagon of truth towards infinity and beyond.

After so much singledom and fucking around, I almost had lost grip on reality. It was a dark world, and i smoked up some heavy shit not even worth mentioning. Mostly to be myself and to maintain the asshole decorum, because to where I was heading, that was the only thing that mattered.

Very well then, so that was 2011 for you all.

Come 2012, I’m a changed man. I don’t know if I am out of the grief of my first woman’s untimely departure from this plane, rendering me a orphan of sorts, but as I write this, I feel like a rock, devoid of emotion.

I guess, this rock will go away as I progress my writing. And oh btw, I’ve found this very perfect girl. My woman. Apparently, she had to go through the complete knowledge of womanhood, but basically she makes me the best and the most happiest man I’ve ever met in my little life.

God knows what magic she did, but even without her knowing, I was eradicated of all aforementioned bad habits, some kind of baptism of sorts, and mind you, I ain’t Christian.


But I interestingly got to learn a lot about humans, operation, emotions, and basically using sufficient brain to live a life. And that constitutes another story. Another time. So there I am. As pure as distilled phenol, and as musky smelling as Old Spice after shave.

Amen to me. Another morning awaits you people. Thank you for reading. Cheers.

A New First Person Story : Friends with Benefits


Here a Heads Up DISCLAIMER for you. This is a Story. Like the rest of the FPS Series.




We make a lot of mistakes in life. Bad decisions, Judgmental errors, and so on. But it is when it comes back to you at a point of time where it should come back to you, that bugs the shit out of you. My life is like that. A plethora of crapping in the past has resulted in a recoil effect. And it is hitting me hard now.

I was never a loner. I never preferred such peace in my life. But then like they say, Nothing lasts forever. But in the long run, I have seen all my decisions were right, even though they looked totally out of place when that time frame actually chanced. But then, the guy who is always right isn’t the one who is always popular right? 😀

Also, I have come to learn that all this pyaar vyaar ishq vishq is bloody overrated. 4 years have been wasted on that. And when I look back, all I can see is that, Friendship stays, not this fancy-named bullshit. At the end of the day, judging by how close my friends are, the only difference between a relationship and an awesome friendship is that the aforementioned one has too much of sex and emotional baggage attached to it. In short, it is a pain in the ass.

“Friends with benefits” <- Nice term no? Even though it disgusts most of the community I was brought up into, I have come to respect it. Everyone has Needs, Necessities, Comforts and Luxuries. Friendship is a need. being a good friend is a Necessity. but then when you introduce benefits into the equation, it jumps the gun to luxury. No comfort zone is traversed in the process. But then, it depends upon what a sort of friend you are, or the nature of that friendship. But most of you will be risking a friendship when it comes to this. But then here is advice:

Your life is pointless without risking it. After you are done taking the risk, your life becomes even more pointless anyway. – The Hollow  Baba

So, we both were “Friends with benefits”. It so happens that we still are. It is funny how simple and term can be complicated to you and still be very simple to me. It all started as a normal Bollywood type Love Story, minus the crappy songs of course. She used to stare at me mad, and I used to enjoy it. We never knew each other then like we do now. We were just random strangers sexually attracted to each other.

And that was, so long ago. When our paths crossed each other after years, we had become acquaintances, then friends, and then pretty good friends. Thanks to the 6 degrees of separation thing. But then, what we had was much more than a friendship. You could never say we were “in a relationship”, because we were simply not. Now, you must be thinking that this is just Denial. But no, I am denying the fact that it is denial, so chuck your stupid grin off your face.

Now she, was this total wacko. 😀 A Joan Jett reincarnated. That awesome. Now, you tell me? How can I not have “feelings” for her? At first it was weird. Things seemed to be out of place. There were a lot of things that “the society” would call blasphemy. First of all we were both metalheads. Then, she was elder to me. And well, a guy who is 5 feet 6, normally never gets a girl that short you see. So that was that. And the other thing was that, we were dating two assholes on the other end as well.


Pic Courtesy : Getty Images dot Com

But things went all Dabangg when in a week’s time, we saw each other Single. And we still stay Single. Funny part is, none of us now cares to establish a relationship with anyone now. For me, a new girl has to be better than her to impress me, and for her, a new asshole has to be better than me. Which I think is pretty much not a possibility from how the world is going about now.

Besides the sex, and feeling pretty good when the other person is around, which is pretty awesome, this friendship has grown so mature that what most of you dreams about, like emotional freedom, and personal space, all exist here.

I guess that is it. All I can now say is Let’s wait and watch.

From the Diary of a Friend.


HollowBaba adds: I like the way this is going. They always seem so happy. Also, Thank you all for bearing with me for 5 years. :mrgreen:

So Here’s to Vote:



Well Well Well…

Life is such. Shit Happens.

Speaking of which, I think it is fair and a good time to welcome be back after my unexpected break from WordPress. Usually, as you people know about me, a girl would chance as a reason for this, but trust me, this has nothing to do with anything dildo-philic.

Now, I just went through my whole WordPress and found out that I was blogging since the Winter of 2006. Phew, 5 years. and did anything change? Yes. It did.

For starters, just look at how I operate things now. I’m writing down this post to revive my 10k user-hit website, which also shows how less desperate I am this days.

Lets say I have come to peace with the fact that every one, at the end of the day, lives for him/herself only, and it doesn’t matter how nice a goody goody pants you are, you still wont take no shit if anything that is affected you and only you, is tampered with.

My point is, I am back, bitches!

Tower Burger Patty, Femme Fatale and What the Fuck!

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Fillion Montson:

And there he was. Like always. It just seemed that this time he had it. The Restaurant seemed to be a distant dream now. he didn’t know what to choose now. But above all that, he dint know what he really wanted. He couldn’t digest what he saw. It was huge. And taller than what he could ever have imagined anything bearing such a name to be. Anyway, that time was long back, and looking back to it seemed to ease some of his inborn urges. And then he concluded. It was the patty. It has always been the patty. He was always specific with what he wanted. A Tower Hamburger, with Cheese and Bacon, with a pinch of Pepper. Whatever the mushy yet grainy bread made for sheer awesomeness, it all came down to the patty, and it was the Patty that decided the Burger. Not the crust, not the topping, not the sauces, but the Patty, and the Patty alone.



Lisa Himax Rayce:

She was exhausted. But that was the least of her problems now. It had broke. Read the rest of this entry »

Will the real Best Buddy please Stand Up? On the Great Wall of China maybe.

They always say its a woman who stands between two men who are best friends. But viewing it from a different perspective, I am with the lady really. Maybe she just made the guys understand that their so-called Best-Buddy-hood was, after all, weak, too weak that her mere presence has broken in. So, in that way, she just helped the two guys in realizing the fact that true friendship is way beyond what they thought it to be. Lets get this story going already! 😛


Enter Protagonist. The chap had an awesome group of people around him called friends. Soon he gets a girl, and thats that. Here’s where the second girl enters. Now you all might be thinking, will she be threat to the relationship? Does he have an affair with this new chick, bla bla.. usual TV series stuff. But then this aint that. This happens to be my blogpost, so that never chances(trust me. it never will as well). 🙂

So second girl enters, quickly becomes one of the best buddies. (now thats skill!) All’s well. But it is here that something goes wrong. She gets ridiculed. The guy doesnt have a clue why. But apparently he does(you can almost sense the confusion there). Somehow, he finds a wall. Something like a Great Wall of China, with his “old” buddies on top.


Now here’s the thing.

He has a girl. She loves him, He loves her.

He has a best friend. She makes him happy, he makes her happy.

He can climb that wall, “can” NOT “will” or “should” or “has to”.

He wants to climb that wall. But he needs two people on board with him. The two girls.

Finally he makes it up with both of them. There he finds his buddies.

The Great Wall of China is long, and huge, and there is place for everyone.

He needs Everyone on the great wall.


Please try to find your point in this post.I would really appreciate if you posted what you have gathered in my comments section. Just want to know if this write up had a point. 😛


Ciao Buggers. Cheers. \m/



At times you think you know a lot of things. But then those are times… just times… at the end of it, you blandly realize the fact that You are more wrong than How wrong you expected yourself to be. Human relationships are like human beings. They are never certain, Hollow at times, and at times, totally reason-void. Now with my rep-sheet, you might be wondering if this is one of those posts, but no, This is a totally different one. I assure you that part at the least. But then to come to think of it from the surface itself, you can see crystal clear to where I’m going. Okay, lets cut the intro part on this one to only this much.

In my 19 years of life, I’ve met a lot of people. But then to come to think of it, only few remain as constants, both in the case of friendship and in the case of acquaintances. o which point I’ve realized that, there are some people who we meet, and when we come in contact with them, we somehow know where we are with them. It’s not like a normal relationship building thing, where the first impression, or the lasting impression decides everything. To those people, There is no need of the “impressing them” part. All they are interested is in your true self, and vice avers.

It’ll be so damn clear about where they stand in our lives. There’ll be no confusion, there’ll be no “That’s Complicated” terminology and there will be No answer for the question… “What is your relation with him/her?” Of-course, we come up with satisfactory answers for ourselves n unsatisfactory ones for the general people, who seem so hollow in their WYSIWYG attitude. But then at the end of the day, Impressing the crowd doesn’t matter, until unless you are some celebrity with a decent fan following.

Here is where I confess. I’m smart enough to know what people think of me, and even smarter enough to know how to ignore them. But then, the only thing that pains me is the fact that the people I ignore think I’m totally clueless about the shit they are throwing at me. Yeah, I know the whole idea of my ignorance is ironic, but then That lil fact, I just cant ignore.

Now to the practical part. To be honest, I’m just 19 and I don’t want to think about my future love-life. Of-course, I’m a lil concerned about my education n all, but then I don’t mix n drive… Its only when someone asks you in the face about the former, will you realize you are at a total baseless point. That time, I choose to ignore reality altogether and warp to my dreamworld. And that’s how I’m still together, in one piece.

From a point where there is no reason, why do we always have to drag ourselves to a place where you have to justify your past, present n future? And even worse, is it even worth it? Why can’t we just dream on, follow our own instincts, n get there when we get there. I’m siting an example: Why are we so worried about the prospective relative conflicts that may occur from some marriage that may happen some 6 years later(definitely not hoping for it), when we are totally in love with each other? Is it even a reason to move on, by stopping what is going on strong, and without any particular reason, just because there’ll be some shit happening if whatever happens the way we are postulated? “If” “What If”.. Are these words totally deciding where we are going? And the worst part is, due to all this shit, we try to make up reasons for which there are no reasons. “I don’t know. I love you so very much. But then at the end of it, We both know it wont work out. And at that point, we would have grown real close to each other like inseparable souls. And if we try to separate us then due to this reason, we may both be ending up in disaster n pain… So lets move on… But then I miss you.” Maybe its my shit attitude towards practicality and “If” at times, but can anyone explain to me why I should do whatever that’s supposed to be done, rather than do what I want? Can’t I ever do what my heart feels like? Why should I let my fcking brain override the shit outta it? Maybe we’ll hurt ourselves if at all it comes. But then Why can’t we love each other till it chances, if at all it comes to that point in the first place?

Ohkay… this is one way of seeing it. But it’s not always this relationship that’s in question. Various others too. Why should practicality ever ruin what is good now? And Why are we letting it ruin it and our happiness? When did all of us become so self-centered, to only think of ourselves in the future? Why can’t we make our dreams, both emotional and the rest as our goals, and try to achieve them, for which we have to be successful in the first place.

What I’m trying to say is… Why can’t we extend our dreams beyond the materialistic bit, ’cause suppose we reach all that we dream of like that and achieve all of that, wouldn’t there be something still missing? Why cant we prioritize those things, so that we’ll jump the hurdles n reach there, rather than making the second last hurdle the finish line? This was one message “Love Aaj Kal” gave, beyond the surface plot n message. And almost every soul missed it. Hope you got what I wanted to tell you from this panoply of rabidness.


Maybe it wont happen, maybe it can’t happen… Maybe you know that.

But then its still a “Maybe”…

Yet another bites the Dust…

Ah. There was a time when living my life the way I want was the least of my concerns. Maybe I was happy then. Or happier. Then I lost my virginity to Life.

That time I thought it was for the best, and so never tried to react to it the way I usually do. But then one day, everything fell apart simultaneously. Thats the day I exploded, literally. But then what is gone, is gone. And now as I stand one year since that, I look back to see how retarded the whole thing was.

Most of the damage was done via posts on this page, so I can’t get to blame anyone else other than me, for all that shit. Then there were readers who flocked in for a scoop, who finally got disgusted at the whole issue.  Then college, which was shittier than ever, fucked up torture, politics, fight, In class brawls,… yeah, it was filled with retarded shit… All I want to do now is close the chapter, and to which not-blogging is not an option.  But my recent behavioral patterns taken into account, I can see some progress, from what which was one of the most mentally disturbing scenarios in my life.

Oh fuck! Who am I crapping?

The point is, I have no regrets, just because some people made that sure I don’t feel any. And I just feel I should thank em now. 🙂

And yeah, now I feel like caring for myself again, been looking after me, and spotting a less retarded face now. Maybe I feel happy now. Maybe someone else has given me the hope, yet again. And this time, it was strong enough to teleport me inter-polarily through my emotional status.Something good has been chancing with me of late, sporadically, and now my urge to live life has come back, if not temporarily.

Maybe this was the break I needed after all…

Posted in Nirvana!. Tags: . Leave a Comment »

The Shoe Age.

Yes. Shoes, Chappals, Sandals, Sneakers, Boots, all of em used to feature on our feet some time in the past. But ever since dear Muntazer al-Zaidi, the Iraqi journalist…yep, the guy who has a cult following now, threw his polished leather at Bush, we Indians have so interestingly followed it up with our share.

The general elections yet again saw two useless powers battling it out for a kursee. As the ads say, they are Baajaapaa and YuvaShatti. With Yuvashatti’s hot favourite youngster said he wasnt’ mature enough to become PM, we are forced to think if he is any good in bed either, with a girl that is. If he didnt admit anything of that sort. maybe there was chance of him winning… poor chap, lacks a political brain eh?  And poor Singh got the Shoe hurling this time. Apparently, the shoe did not reach him, and so he ‘pardoned’ the young dude who did it. Whoo! what a generosity!! Daath dene padenge!


And the scores are not levelled. Baajaapaa supremo, who will might well be defeated by a dancing queen in his constistency, i.e. only if the people in that consistency have some grey matter in their heads(Its North, so I doubt it really!), has a record of two shoes, no wait, or were they Chappals? Apparently the guys who threw were dropouts. There’s something you learn in Physics, called Projectile motion, as both chappals fell short of the old bloke by a kilometer!!

But the chappal race is not over as it seems. Gujarat seems to need much better scores in this game.

But I disagree on the treatment they give the shoeflingers. I thought our Constitution preamble read as India to be a

“…SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its citizens:JUSTICE, social, economic and political;

LIBERTY of thought, expression, belief, faith and worship;

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity;

and to promote among them all

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and the unity and integrity of the Nation…”

In that case, it is not fair to plead them guilty for shoe flinging. Lets be logical. You can’t blame them as they never disrespected any respected national leader like Mahatma Gandhi or Bhagat Singh… They just did that to yet another guy on the street who thinks he is a hotshot. So thats not a crime. And for the shoe hitting them..What the F are the security for? Since almost all of em are not worthy to be assassinated or anything, its better they start catching shoes… and its the shoes to be blamed and the one who had the shoe hurling up to them of whose activity had eventually started this dramarama, not the source of the shoe, or the chappal for that matter!!

Lord save the King and Queen(of Travancore that is). God bless Kerala. Mera Bharat Mahan!

Fly you!!

I’ve been a Random reader for quite some months now. It all started at the Kottayam Railway station, which is a bloody boring place… and then there was Random! Ever since there has been a copy of Random on almost every train journey I made… and with good reason!

And it also features this comic strip thats a lil too over the top… so here’s the latest of their strips…

retail stores, check out, retail comic, receipts, stores, comics, india, guard, mall
Fly You Fools – Indian Comics about Life.
Yeah right! :mrgreen: